A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Saturday, August 22, 2009

BLISTERS: They are painful, lesions filled with fluid. They are caused by ill-fitting shoes or wrinkled socks against the skin. So it is really important to have properly fitting shoes to avoid these blisters.
What can you do to avoid them ? Keep feet dry. Do not wear the same pair of shoes every day, switch off between pairs of shoes. Always wear socks as a cushion between your feet and shoes. If you have sweaty feet you could wear wick away socks. This will help to keep your feet dry. Wear properly fitting shoes. The length of your shoes should be one finger width from the end of your longest toe. Some people's longest toe happen to be their second toe, so the shoe should be a thumb's width from the second toe. Do not pop a blister. You can carefully open a corner of the blister closest to the bottom of the foot with a sterilized needle and drain. Apply an antibiotic cream and cover with a bandage. A mild blister you can treat with soap and water and cover with antiseptic ointment and band aid. Check blisters regularly to ensure it doesn't get infected. Next time use moleskin to reduce friction so you don't get blisters.

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