A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is athlete's foot?
It can be flaky, dry, cracked itchy skin. It can be very red in color also. Sometimes there is a smell with it and blisters.
What causes it: Shoes cause a warm, dark and humid environment that encourages fungal growth. You can contract it in dressing rooms, locker room showers, or in hotel rooms and swimming pools.
How to prevent it: Check your feet everyday and be aware of changes or unusual growths. 2. Keep shoes and socks dry. 3. Wash feet daily with soap and water and be sure to dry between the toes. Use a hair dryer to get between the toes if you can't use a towel. 4. Change shoes regularly. Switch off between shoes, don't wear the same pair every day. 5. Wear flip-flops in public showers and around the swimming pool. 6. Don't wear the same pair of socks every day. Ladies that goes for panty hose also. They should only be worn once and then washed.
There are products on our web store that would be beneficial to you. There is fungasoap and tineacide antifungal cream that would help. The address is www.vailfoot.com

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