A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Friday, August 27, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?  Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.  The pain is caused by the swelling of the plantar fascia, the flat band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes.

Plantar fasciitis is caused by straining the plantar fascia.  Repeated strains can cause the ligament to develop tears, which cause the pain and swelling.  People are more prone to Plantar Fasciitis if they....

  • Experience excessive pronation
  • Have high arches or flat feet.
  • Walk, Stand, or Run for long periods of time - particularly on hard surfaces
  • Are overweight
  • Wear Shoes that fit improperly or worn out
  • Have tight calf and Achilles tendon
  • Pregnant and wear shoes with inadequate support
Plantar Fasciitis is also more common in those between the ages of 40 and 60, women, and those who have jobs that require them to be on their feet, such as teachers, factory workers, and waitresses.

In most cases of Plantar Fasciitis develops gradually and affects just one foot, although it can occur in both feet simultaneously. The pain is generally worst with the first few steps after awakening, although it also can be triggered by long periods of standing or getting up from a seated position. The pain may feel like a sharp pain in the heel of your foot. If you are experiencing heel pain and think you may have plantar fasciitis, contact your podiatrist and schedule an appointment.  There are several exercises, stretches, and treatments to help with plantar fasciitis and your podiatrist can direct you.  Visit Vailfoot.com today to request an appointment.  Also, below are several products proven to help ease the pain of plantar fasciitis available through our product store.
  OrthoGel                                   Dr. Jill's Moleskin                    Powerstep ProTech


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