A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Truth About Bunions

The word may not sound or look so pleasant, but don't panic if you have them on your feet. I know here at Dr. Vail's several patients we see have bunions, a deformity of the joint that connects the big toe to the foot.

So what cause Bunions to form?
An imbalance of the muscles and tendons controlling and stabilizing the joint causes the big toe to be pulled toward the second toe. As a result, the corresponding foot bone (the first metatarsal) drifts in the opposite direction, creating a bump on the inside of the foot.

While bunions are not always painful, wearing shoes can worsen the pain. Treatment options for this usually include both non-surgical (wearing shoes that don't irritate the bunion or using pads to ease the discomfort) and surgical procedures to correct bone placement if nothing else works. But don't be scared, bunion removal is a rather common practice.

To find more information on bunions visit our website. Also, if your need of a product to help your cause visit our Product Store.  

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