A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Blisters aresmall swelling of the skin that contains watery fluid. They are caused by friction. The body responds to the friction by producing fluid. The fluid builds up beneath the part of the skin being rubbed, causing pressure and pain.

Blisters occur when feet get hot, sweaty and socks stick to the feet. The sock and foot then rub against each other and the inside of the shoe. Fluid fills up a space between layers of skin to protect the area, like a small balloon. That is how a blister forms.

Blisters are a common problem with athletes wearing new shoes. Also runners and walkers who participate in long events like marathons.

If a blister is red, leaking yellow fluid or has red lines near the blister see a podiatrist right away since this is symptoms of infection.

The most common causes of foot blisters are: heat, moisture and friction.

Some ways to prevent blisters are: wear shoes that fit properly and keep feet as dry as possible.
Change socks regularly and use foot powder to help keep your feet dry.

At Advanced Foot Care clinic we recommend Zeasorb AF powder. It contains anti-fungal properties as well as keep your feet dry.

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