A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Sunday, October 10, 2010

hallux rigidus

Hallux rigidus is a disorder of the joint located at the base of the big toe. It causes pain and stiffness in the joint and with time it gets increasingly harder to bend the toe. Hallux means the big toe and rigidus indicates the toe is rigid and cannot move. It is a form of degenerative arthritis.

It can be very troubling and even disabling since we use the big toe whenever we walk, stoop down, climb up or even stand.

Common causes of hallux rigidus comes from structural abnormalities of the foot that can lead to osteoarthritis in the big toe joint. This type of arthritis often develops in people who have defects that change the way their foot and big toe functions.

Those with fallen arches or excessive pronation of the ankles are susceptible to developing hallux rigidus.

People who do a lot of squatting or stooping put a lot of stress on the big toe and can develop hallux rigidus. Also can be the result from an injury such as stubbing your toe .

Symptoms: Pain and stiffness in the big toe during use. (2) pain and stiffness aggravated by cold damp weather. (3) difficulty with certain activities like running or squatting.

Diagnosis: The sooner this is diagnosed the easier it is to treat. So the best time to see a podiatrist is when you first notice symptoms. If you wait til a bone spur develops your condition will likely be harder to manage.

The podiatrist will examine your feet and move the toe to determine its range of motion and x-rays will help determine how much arthritis is present as well as to evaluate any bone spurs.

Non-surgical treatment: Shoe modifications: Shoes with a large toe box puts less pressure on your toe. Stiff or rocker-bottom soles may also be recommended

(2) Orthotics will improve foot function

(3) Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.

(4) Injection of corticosteriods may reduce inflammation and pain.

If you have a big toe that is causing you problems give Dr. Thomas F. Vail's office a call at 419-423-1888 to set up an appointment to see if your pain is due to hallux rigidus

You can try powersteps from our website store that would help to control your foot and take pressure off the area of pain. http://www.vailfoot.com/

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