A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nail Fungus

Nail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a condition that occurs when a microscopic fungus enters a toenail. It can also occur in fingernails but is more common in toenails.
Anyone can get nail fungus, but infections are more common in people over the age of 60 and people who have a weakened immune system.

Usually, nail fungus occurs when it enters the nail through a small trauma like a cut or break in the nail. Nail fungus is not caused by poor hygiene. It can spread from person to person. A warm, wet place like a locker room is a good place for fungus to grow.

Your nail will look thick and discolored. Uncommonly, you may feel pain in your toes.

Your doctor may be able to tell if you have fungus by looking carefully at your nails. He will do a scraping of some nail and tissue from under your nail and send it to a lab to determine for certain what kind of infection you have.

Treatment of nail fungus may include oral antifungal drug like Lamisil or a topical antifungal. Removal of the infected nail can be performed. At Advanced Footcare Clinic we offer to our patients a topical antifungal called Formula 3 which has been beneficial to our patients. It is not a prescription and is only sold in podiatry offices.

To prevent getting nail fungus infection you should avoid walking barefoot in public areas like locker rooms. Keep the inside of your shoes dry and change your socks frequently. If you have sweaty feet you should wear socks that wick away the moisture from your feet. At Advanced Footcare Clinic we offer to our patients socks that contain charcoal fibers that wick away the moisture from your feet. Wear proper fitting shoes that are long enough and the toe box is wide enough that isn't putting pressure on your toes. Use absorbent, antifungal powder.

On our website www.vailfoot.com we offer fungal soap which contains tea tree oil which is a natural antifungal in it that washes the fungus and bacteria off your skin when you use it in the shower.

Also we are offering to our patients a laser procedure that "zaps" away common fungus that causes the discolored nails. It is a Noveon laser and has been been very successful.

But people must understand that once they are successful in getting rid of the fungus that they still have to follow a good hygiene program, including antifungal spray for shoes, not going barefoot and keeping feet clean and dry.

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