A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Plantar warts

Warts are small, usually painless growths on the skin caused by a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV). They are generally harmless. However, warts can be disfiguring and embarrassing, and occasionally they itch or hurt.

There are many types of warts, but we will discuss the
PLANTAR wart. They are found on the soles of the feet.

The typical wart is a raised round or oval growth on the skin with a rough surface. They tend to cause no discomfort unless they are in areas of repeated pressure. Large numbers of plantar warts on the foot may cause difficulty walking or running.

Some warts will disappear without treatment, although it can sometimes take a couple of years. Treated or not, warts that go away often reappear. All warts can spread from one part of your body to another.

Symptoms: Abnormally dark or light skin surrounding the lesion.
Rough growth or lesions on soles of feet-flat to slightly raised-painful to pressure

If the doctor is unsure if it is a wart or not a biopsy may be done to confirm that it isn't something else.

At Advanced Footcare Clinic we recommend using a paste that contains 60% salicytic acid. This is the highest amount of acid that you can obtain without a prescription.

So if you have been bothered by plantar warts and just cannot get rid of them call Dr. T. F. Vail, DPM at 419-423-1888 for an appointment.

Or on our webstore www.vailfoot.com there are products that contain the salicytic acid also. If the warts are in an area that causes discomfort when walking we have offloading pads that can help take the pressure off the area.

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